
für alle linzer wiener und wiener linzer und aus g'roaste

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

linz ain't an inland town...

WE HAVE A BEACH! Definitely.. In the old part of urfahr one can find this nice place with a stony and a sandy beach.. yes, both! so fischi, the candyman, matze, flexi boy, valli and dancing queen ursi and me hang out there yesterday evening and enjoyed the summer otro lado del rio: the biggest brothel of linz " da privathaus". having about 350 rooms and probably as many chicks, there is the hell going on there!! But the waves and the beautiful horizon on the other side of the river were so nice, that we could ignore candyman's stories about the Privathaus and his experiences in the "mountainblick room after the get- to-know scenery in the beautiful yard". flexi boy got all excited about his trip to poland on the weekend and showed us all the big bertelsmann. From Poland talk we got to the space shuttles in the sky and the evening ended really comfy and relaxing. Linz is all good at the moment and my friends are too!! ;-)


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