
für alle linzer wiener und wiener linzer und aus g'roaste

Friday, May 27, 2005


wow.. every third person will be over an age of 60 in 2035..this must be quite a weird scenario, walking down the streets, going out and lying in the park. but hey. in 2035 I'll be 52. ok.. hm. i will be one of them!! uarghh... i think we should really develop a new business strategy for this potential target group we can aim at in 30 years. is there something going on already? at least I know that i will already pay some young people in advance to be my friends. The teenies and twens will be a scarce resource by then and probably I sometimes feel like hanging out with people who are the 2 out of the 3, regarding this study. Probably there will be an extra column in the newspaper's weekend planner for clubs which have no stairs and clubs which play music under a certain level of decibel. The menu will be in arial 35, and high heels are "the fashion of the 2000s". Well. i think i don't even notice these changes by then. I will thankfully adopt them and be one of the young 60s..


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