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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Unchain my heart

yesterday at café strom we had our very official meeting. andi, fischi, verena, vetsch and me ( in alphabetical order). Exchanging gossip and holiday news, planning the weekends in september and having 1.5 litre apple juice. Vetsch came a bit later but with quite a special appearance. Our beloved vetsch entered café strom, where the punk-rock band "the observers" just made their soundcheck for yesterday evenings show, with a light baseball cap on her had. Well, nothing special, nothing funny. But in this scenery of dark dressed leather-rock guys featuring mandy ("SAHRER") from jack_frost da vetsch was wearing a merchandising cap from good old Joe Cocker! Hey, a true fan is something stars appreciate! Joe, you got a very brave one here in linz!