
für alle linzer wiener und wiener linzer und aus g'roaste

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

spooky town

Yes, today Vetsch and I joined a guided sightseeing tour in Vienna. And it was all about spooky stories. Vampires, ghosts, graveyards and that kind of stuff. It really was a good thing to do because I feel that my general education has doubled today. So if you don’t know what to do on a Tuesday afternoon, just go to Michaelerplatz at 16.30 and join it, it’s worth the 12 €!

I hardly can believe what the guide said, and I also can’t find it online but allegedly a research institute in Innsbruck proved that 2/3 of all Austrians are somehow Habsburg-relatives. Can you imagine? So, if you have a distinctive chin or something like a cleft lip you can be sure that imperial blood runs through your veins. And if girls are sometimes a bit bitchy it is probably Sissi’s gene material.

I really can't decide which stories to share with you cause really everything (from alrauns to virgin-blood-drinking in a pizzaria) would be worth mentioning. I'll just store them in my newly filled brain and tell you a spooky vienna story from time to time!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

not to mention that the official death certificate of a young prostitute (from backward-province-Upperaustria) who was found completely bloodless and with two stitches in her aorta, stated precisely "Tod durch Vampirbiss".....that was in 1914!! (or was it 1921??... the beginning of the 20th century anyway)... scary enough...

3/29/2006 10:46:00 am  
Blogger andi said...

haha..yes. I really can imagine 2 Viennese policemen talking about what to do:

A: "hm..schaut aus wia a Vampirbiss."
B: "jo. gfreits di ermitteln?"
A: "naa, eigentlich ned. woa eh nua a professionelle."
B: "no guad, daun schreima hoid des glei eini. schaut si eh kana o."
A: "paaasst. gemma jetzt auf an kaffee?"

3/29/2006 11:56:00 am  
Blogger simo said...

und dann 30 jahre später kommt ana und sagt: heast buaschn, des wor i. mit ana radlpumpn!

war das die story?

3/29/2006 02:01:00 pm  
Blogger andi said...

genau... gscheid guat!
Das war nämlich ihr Zuhälter, der sie vorher vergiftet hat und damit man das nicht nachweisen kann, hat er ihr das Blut rausgepunpt.

In der Tat überqualifiziert für seinen Job!

3/29/2006 03:01:00 pm  

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