
für alle linzer wiener und wiener linzer und aus g'roaste

Friday, August 25, 2006


HOLA, monos y manas de todo el mundo!! and especially a big "hello" to martina mi corazón.. speaking of "corazón" i remember the "cazón" (shark) I had today for lunch.. hmm. and I also tried "sangre cebollada" from a construction worker.. "blood with onions". strange, but he told me he especially came to the bar for.. so.. socializing is the new word here! Like andi wrote before, me myself and I are sitting aswell in a internet café and my lips already turned blue.. unbe-fucking-lieveable.. 13ºC.. HIJO de PUTA! So Dominik called me yesterday together with Andrés - He is coming on SUNDAY!! OLÉ! But now the important things: everything is going well - I love my life here! classes are funny, my spanish is improving everyday (except for days with massive hangovers), I know many new people - some of them will be forgotten soon, but some are really cool! "Chulo" como se dice aquí! Isla was great - I met my mister "white shirt" from last year... aiaiaiiaaii and we were really presenting ourselves as real isleñas.. At least we drank a hell at the bottelón.. so today party with pedro and his friends. and my chulo flatmates Silvia and Adriano... aiaiaiaiaaiiiii... I am happy!


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