
für alle linzer wiener und wiener linzer und aus g'roaste

Monday, June 13, 2005

die piefke saga

this lovely saturday night, or rather sunday early morning i found myself with andi and j. at the würstel stand.
j: (watching a dove picking some bread crumbs and suddenly flying away)
always this fucking rats!!
NG: mah der schenste von gaunz wien..

....and me looking like a bus when all of a sudden mr. professor BWZ a.Sch***** bought a Bosner next to us... :-). and the sun was shining like a spot on ... well... him.. and what can i say..
what made my day was coffee with andi and jan at aux gazelle, fun at passage with andi, j. joining us in the club after his party odysee, seeing r. at café leopold when we were all too hungry to be somebody's saturday night entertainer, mr. sch. at the würstel standl and my comfy bed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tja, konnte die blöde Ratte auch noch Fliegen... Vorteil am Blog: Du kannst die Sachen posten und mir wieder ins Gedächnis rufen, die ich per WoReBu von meiner Festplatte gelöscht habe :o)

6/13/2005 08:21:00 pm  

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