
für alle linzer wiener und wiener linzer und aus g'roaste

Saturday, July 15, 2006

wachau rulezzzz

yesterday I went to the Wachau with my three chicos Dominik, Paco y Jorge. Up on Dürnstein the Richard-Löwenherz-Blondel-story was told several times in several languages and certainly we had to eat Marillenknödel, which would have been the best ever, if the waiter wouldn't have been such a weirdo! This freak wanted that Jorge and me to feed each other and in the end he acually asked how much Paco costs. Waaach wia a Marüün der Typ.
A Gürtel-nightout-action was the perfect evening program. At Seen Paco entertained the whole bar with dancing all alone to the spanish version of Hotel California and Luis fulfilled all our musical wishes again. Jorge was a bit silent in the end. maybe this has to do something with him drinking pure wine for hours but thinking that the wine was "gspritzt". The end: MacDonalds!
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Blogger simo said...

heee mach mal flickr die bildchen.. der paco is sooooo liab!! und überhaupt alleee.. und verenas müssen nach spanien kommen.. war grad flamenco tanzi tanzi kucke und me hace muuuuchissssimo illusión!! muyy guay! un beso grande de la pampa. la chica carampa! diese reimerei...

7/15/2006 10:41:00 pm  

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